Manchester Hosts His Excellency Barr. Caleb Manasseh Muftang

In the Quest for Peace and Prosperity in the Plateau State, Manchester Hosts His Excellency Barr. Caleb Muftang Executive Governor of Plateau State.

On the 30th of April 2024, the vibrant city of Manchester played host to His Excellency Barr. Caleb Manasseh Muftang, the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Nigeria. The purpose of his visit was to engage with Nigerians living in the Diaspora and friends of Nigeria, fostering dialogue and collaboration.

The event commenced with a heartfelt opening prayer led by Dr. Ife Akintunde, who, hailing from Lancaster, expressed solidarity with the people of Plateau State. Dr. Akintunde emphasized the interconnectedness of Nigeria, likening it to a single body where the pain of one part is felt by all. He invoked divine guidance for the gathering, held at the Good News House in Manchester. Dr. Joshua Jama took charge as the Master of Ceremonies, skillfully guiding the proceedings. Reverend Dr. Gideon Para-Mallam, the esteemed founder of The Para-Mallam Peace Foundation, addressed the audience next. He underscored the significance of engaging the Diaspora to shed light on the challenges facing Plateau State. Dr. Para-Mallam deferred to Governor Muftang to elaborate on government initiatives, praising him as a man of integrity committed to good governance and societal progress. He also highlighted the abundance of resources in Plateau State, urging attention to its economic and tourism potential. Additionally, he stressed the advocacy role of the visit, amplifying the voices of those affected by hardship and insecurity in the region. Governor Muftang, in a captivating presentation, expressed gratitude for the warm reception in Manchester. He underscored the importance of faith and optimism in Nigeria's future, envisioning a nation emerging stronger from past challenges. Emphasizing the role of collective effort, he called upon Nigerians in the Diaspora to actively participate in nation-building endeavors, urging solidarity and engagement.

The Governor candidly addressed the state's financial and security challenges, highlighting efforts to revitalize the economy and enhance security measures. Despite inherited debts, his administration had made strides in increasing the state's internally generated revenue (IGR), signaling a turnaround in financial prospects. Regarding security, he emphasized the need for concerted action to confront prevailing threats, urging prayers and support for lasting peace. During the interactive session, Governor Muftang elaborated on his government's priorities, including healthcare, education, agriculture, and infrastructure development. He underscored efforts to harness Plateau State's agricultural potential, citing partnerships and initiatives aimed at boosting productivity and reducing post-harvest losses.


The event drew a diverse audience, including professionals, community leaders, and students, reflecting the broad interest in Plateau State's development. Notable attendees included Mr. Ian Peacock, CEO of Kingstead, and Cllr. Patience Bentu, among others. The event was made possible through collaborative efforts, with organizations such as NCiD-UK, OFNC-UK, and PSJ-UK partnering with The Para-Mallam Peace Foundation and Plateau State Government's Office for Development, Partnerships, and Diaspora Engagement. As the gathering concluded, a group photograph captured the spirit of solidarity among Diasporans committed to supporting Plateau State's progress. With collective resolve and collaboration, the vision of a prosperous and peaceful Plateau State moves closer to realization.