H.E Dr. Morie Manyeh Participates in UK Trade, Investment & Agribusiness Summit/Fair in Peterborough

Conference and Exhibitions: UK Trade, Investment and Agribusiness Summit/Fair 2024

His Excellency, Dr. Morie Komba Manyeh attended the UK Trade, Investment & Agribusiness Summit/Fair 2024 in Peterborough, delivering a powerful address to a gathering of industry experts, academics, investors, and entrepreneurs. The summit/fair organized by Cater and Merger Consult Ltd, focused on the Theme: "Understanding and Exploring the Potentials of Agri-Tech and Agribusiness Revolutions: The Impact of Innovative Blockchain and Climate Change Dynamics on Trade and Investment Trends. The event was officially opened by The Worshipful Mayor of Peterborough City Council, Cllr. Marco Cereste on the 21st of May 2024, and expertly moderated by Mr. David Smith of the British African Business Alliance.

In his speech, Dr. Manyeh expressed gratitude to the organizers and acknowledged the crucial roles played by farmers, entrepreneurs, investors, and politicians in advancing the agricultural sector. Highlighting the importance of food production and distribution, he noted that under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio, agriculture is a key pillar of Sierra Leone’s "5 Big Game Changers" policy. "Agriculture is not merely a policy slogan for us," Dr. Manyeh asserted, referring to Sierra Leone's "Operation Feed the Nation" program. "It is a critical area of our national development priorities." Dr. Manyeh emphasized the extensive subject matter of the summit, which covers transformative changes in agriculture and related sectors. He pointed out two critical issues: climate change and innovation trends, both significantly impacting global trade dynamics. "In countries like Sierra Leone, where agriculture remains a cornerstone of the economy, the convergence of innovation, technology, and strategic policy initiatives presents a beacon of hope and a pathway to progress," he said. He highlighted the potential of Agri-Tech and Agribusiness revolutions in enhancing food security, increasing productivity, and fostering sustainable development.

Addressing the challenges faced by the agricultural sector in Sierra Leone and across Africa, Dr. Manyeh identified climate change as a significant threat, manifesting in erratic weather patterns, soil degradation, and water scarcity. He emphasized the importance of integrating innovative solutions, such as climate-smart agricultural practices and resilient crop varieties. Dr. Manyeh also spoke on the role of technology in transforming agricultural value chains. He noted that by enhancing transparency, traceability, and efficiency, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize trade and investment trends, unlocking new avenues for economic growth and development. In his concluding remarks, Dr. Manyeh called for actionable strategies and collaboration among farmers, business leaders, policymakers, and innovators to harness the full potential of Agri-Tech and Agribusiness revolutions. He urged the gathering to create connections with ongoing efforts in Africa, highlighting the continent's vast agricultural and arable land resources. "By embracing innovation, leveraging technology, and adopting sustainable practices, we can pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for all," Dr. Manyeh concluded, emphasizing the need for collaboration at all levels and the importance of supporting each other to overcome global challenges.


The summit provided a rich platform for knowledge sharing, skill exchange, and fostering investment opportunities in the agricultural sector, including its many supply chain layers.